SINGER 631 User Manual
Instructions for using, Sewing machine model 631
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Instructions for Using
S I N G E R “
Sewing Machine Model 631
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Form 30-047G íRev. 176)
'I'iio SINGFH Conveifibio
CHAIN ST1TC:H ieature
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Si,AN'l'-0-.MA') 1C, you ( the sev.'iiig inadhiU' cvm built. You'll imüvt'! You'll deiUjht in Us ¡Kuti'ct, beautilul sütrliiiU!. In adililion to its numerous outslandiiH! .u!v.itilnew and unique h'ature in that look stitihinq and diain sfituiiiuj can ® Only SINCFR proiiui es an .uitomafie m.uhini' that in ailtiilion (o the fonventionat totk sUtdt also sews a single 1!iiea This feature will release, you fioni iiine-tonsuminij work and if # SINGTR lias WOHl.D’S FIR.ST Am'OMA'nc with slant neciile ami gear drive. Seeing is easim, sewing s!niM.)UH'St evi»r. No slipjring i>r stallimj ® SINGllR has WORI.D'S FIRST Al,iTOMAT!C threading. Has built-in lliroading tliarl, haiuiy wiih ilouble-easy ’drop-irr' bobbin in « SlNGIiR lias WORI.D'S ITRST At.iTOMA'nC wiih a buill-in eye- level slitth diait, with push bulton seleelion lor wliatever lam y V\ Tradeitiark ol THE SINGER COMl>ANY Copyright 1965 THE SINGER COMPANY All Rights Reserved Throughout the World Printed in U.S.A,
hi' seleetivoly produeeil on tlu> s.ime maihiue.
wiikli tan be nsoit ior basUiH) sinims thus replathig liaint-bastintj.
the applications of the modmii family sewinrj maihine, (iYu deiaited
insiructions conceininq operation and application, .see page 20.)
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stitch you want!