Threading the bobbin case, Placing bobbin case in shuttle – SINGER WS1112 User Manual

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Fig. 3

Fig. 8


Step 1 (illustrated in Fig. 5) Hold bobbin case between thumb

and forefinger of left hand, so that the slot in the edge of the
bobbin case is on top. Take the bobbin between thumb and
forefinger of right hand so that the thread on top leads from left
to right. Step 2. Insert bobbin into bobbin case, pull the thread
into the slot of the bobbin case as shown in Fig. 6, and draw it
under the Tension spring and into the fork-shaped opening of the
spring as shown in Fig. 7.


Open bobbin case cover plate left of the needle. (@, Fig. 1)

See Fig. 8. Hold the bobbin case latch, ®, between the thumb and
forefinger of the left hand with at least three inches of thread
running from the top of the bobbin case to the right. Insert and
center the bobbin case on the stud of the shuttle hook ®. Be sure
the bobbin case finger (S) is inside the shuttle race notch ®.
Press the bobbin case ® into the shuttle as far as possible until
latch catches on the center post of the shuttle. Then release the
bobbin case latch ®. Press bobbin case again after latch has been
released to make sure the bobbin case is locked securely in place.
Close the cover plate.