Dcb structure – Casio IT-2000W User Manual
Page 129
DCB structure
typedef struct tagDCB
/* DCB */
/* internal device ID */
UNIT BaudRate;
/* Baud rate */
BYTE ByteSize;
/* Number of bits per byte (4-8) */
BYTE Parity;
/* 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even, 3 = Mark, 4 = Space */
BYTE StopBits;
/* 0 = 1 bit, 1 = 1.5 bits, 2 = 2 bits */
UNIT RlsTimeout;
/* Timeout of RLSD set */
UNIT CtsTimeout;
/* Timeout of CTS set */
UNIT DsrTimeout;
/* Timeout of DSR set */
UNIT fBinary;
/* Binary mode (without EOF check) */
UNIT fRtsDisable;
/* Ignores RTS at initialization. */
UNIT fParity;
/* Enables the parity check. */
UNIT fOutxCtsFlow;
/* CTS handshake at output */
UNIT fOutxDsrFlow;
/* DSR handshake at output */
UNIT fDummy;
UNIT fDtrDisable;
/* Ignores DTR at initialization. */
/* Enables XON/XOFF at output. */
/* Enables XON/XOFF at input. */
UNIT fPeChar;
/* Execute replacement because of a parity error. */
UNIT fNull;
/* Enables Null stripping. */
UNIT fChEvt;
/* Enables the transmission character event. */
UNIT fDtrflow;
/* DTR handshake at input */
UNIT fRtsflow;
/* RTS handshake at input */
UNIT fDummy2;
/* Reserved */
char XonChar;
/* XON character for transmission and reception */
char XoffChar;
/* XOFF character for transmission and reception */
UNIT XonLim;
/* XON threshold at transmission */
UNIT XoffLim;
/* XOFF threshold at transmission */
char PeChar;
/* Replacement character to be used at parity error */
char EofChar;
/* Delimiter of the input characters */
char EvtChar;
/* Received event character */
UNIT TxDelay;
/* Delay time between characters */
} DCB;