Viconics VZ7260X Installation Guide User Manual
Page 22

22 | VZ7260W Series- Installation Guide
Number of Reheat Stages and
their applications
Default: 1 = Modulating Duct
Reheat Only
0 = None
Zone will operate in VAV heating or cooling only based on the
Master RTU mode without any reheat.
RTU in cooling mode uses Control Curve 1
RTU in heating mode uses Control Curve 2
1 = Modulating Duct Reheat Only
Zone will operate in VAV heating or cooling based on the
Master RTU mode and uses the Modulating reheat output for a
local Modulating duct reheat device like a proportional hot water
valve or an SCR. The local reheat can be enabled or disabled
based on the outdoor air temperature and AO2 OALK.
RTU in cooling mode uses Control Curve 3
RTU in heating mode uses Control Curve 4
2 = On-Off Duct Reheat Only
Zone will operate in VAV heating or cooling based on the
Master RTU mode and uses the On-Off reheat output for a local
On-Off duct reheat device like a 2 position hot water valve or a
single electric duct heater. The local reheat can be enabled or
disabled based on the outdoor air temperature and BO5 OALK.
RTU in cooling mode with On-Off Reheat (BO5 Time=0=15
minutes) uses Control Curve 5b
RTU in cooling mode with On-Off Pulsed Reheat (BO5
Time=1=10 seconds) uses Control Curve 5a
RTU in heating mode with reheat uses Control Curve 6
3 = On-Off Perimeter Reheat Only
Zone will operate in VAV heating or cooling based on the
Master RTU mode and uses the On-Off reheat output for a local
On-Off perimeter reheat device like a 2 position hot water valve
or a electric baseboard unit. The local reheat can be enabled or
disabled based on the outdoor air temperature and BO5 OALK.
RTU in cooling mode uses Control Curve 7
RTU in heating mode uses Control Curve 6
4 = Modulating Duct Reheat & On-Off Perimeter Reheat
Zone will operate in VAV heating or cooling based on the
Master RTU mode and uses 2 stages of local reheat.
The first reheat stage will use the modulating reheat output for a
local modulating duct reheat device like a proportional hot water
valve or an SCR. The local reheat stage can be enabled or
disabled based on the outdoor air temperature and AO2 OALK.
The second reheat stage will use the On-Off reheat output for a
local On-Off perimeter reheat device like a 2 position hot water
valve or a electric baseboard unit. The local reheat stage can
be enabled or disabled based on the outdoor air temperature
and BO5 OALK
RTU in cooling mode uses Control Curve 9
RTU in heating mode uses Control Curve 10