Altitude bug, Gps information, Ap iv shown – TruTrak EFIS AP (8300-057C) User Manual
Page 9
Click the soft key beneath ALT
provides a screen for preselecting
the altitude. The
the altimeter will move to the closest
100 ft mark of the current altitude.
Then rotating the right hand knob
SELECT ALT will allow the
altitude to be selected. Each step of
the rotary encoder moves the bug 500 ft. while depressing the knob and rotating provides 100 ft. steps and
then click ENTER. The altitude bug will never move out of view but will remain ether at the top of the
altimeter to indicate selected altitude is above current altitude or the bottom to indicate selected altitude is
below current altitude. The selected altitude setting can always be seen above the SEL or ALT after
selection on the display.
EFIS AP II will NOT preselect altitude in AP mode.
The HSI requires GPS NMEA information to function correctly. If the
primary serial connection and communication protocols have been
setup correctly, the EFIS display will display GPS/HSI information as
shown. If not then the Display will show NO GPS and only the DG
will be operational.
When a flight plan has been entered into the GPS, the HSI will display
a Course to the first waypoint. The deviation bar will offset to show
the aircraft present position compared to the desired track. The small
yellow diamond shaped bug is the DIRECTION TO WAYPOINT bug.
Setting the HSI CRS pointer is accomplished by clicking the soft key
beneath CRS to enter the set up screen. Rotation of the left knob
selects the course, click ENTER to set.
All EFIS with RS-232 (NMEA) input will have GPS NAV (NAV) but
will overfly the waypoint then intercept new the track at about a 45
degree angle.
The EFIS AP IV has the ability to perform GPSS and GPSV
commands from the programming of the GPS unit communicating
across ARINC wires to the EFIS AP. The GPSV requires a GPS
approach to communicate GPSV information to the EFIS AP IV.
Valid information is required to allow the GPSV button to be engaged.
When GPSS and/or GPSV are engaged the steering commands come
from the flight plan programmed in the GPS.
See page 15.
TruTrak Flight Systems
EFIS Autopilot Installation Manual
April 2009
8300-057 Rev D