TriangleTube 110 Solo User Manual

Page 50

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Start-Up Procedures

6. Allow the boiler to operate and allow the

boiler outlet temperature to reach the set
point temperature.



] This begins the burner shutdown

and post purge cycle. The CH circulator
will continue to run until the room thermo-
stat is satisfied.

7. Lower the room thermostat set point below

the room temperature to end the call for



] This begins a post purge cycle.

When the room thermostat is satisfied, the
boiler will shutdown. The control module
will close the gas valve and the blower will
continue for 30 seconds for a post purge
cycle before shutting down. If another call
for heat is initiated, the boiler will remain
off for an additional 30 seconds before
starting a new ignition sequence.



] The CH circulator will continue

for a 1 minute post pump cycle.



] The boiler is in standby mode

waiting for a call for heat.

8. Verify the operation of the boiler by repeat-

ing the operational sequence several times.

9. Return the room thermostat to a desired set-

ting. Reconnect the DHW wiring or return
the DHW aquastat to desired setting, plac-
ing the DHW system into operation.

Operation Verification - Domestic Hot
Water (if applicable)

1. As outlined in the verification for space

heating, repeat STEPS 2 through 4.

2. Raise the DHW aquastat setting to initiate a

call for heat. As in the space heating opera-
tion the display should show:



] This is a fan / air flow check. The

burner blower will be energized momentar-
ily prior to the prepurge cycle.



] The prepurge cycle. The boiler

blower and DHW circulator become ener-
gized and the 10 second pre-purge cycle



] The boiler will begin the ignition

sequence. The same sequence of establish-
ing flame, trail for ignition and attempts for
ignition as described in the space heating
applies for domestic water heater.



] This indicates normal operation

for DHW. The burner will begin modulat-
ing its input based on the length of demand
by the DHW aquastat. The burner will not
go into the low input rate for the 1 minute
flame stabilization period that occurs in CH

3. Lower the DHW aquastat to satisfy the call

for heat.



] The post purge cycle begins. The

control module closes the gas valve and the
blower continues for a 30 second post



] The DHW will continue for a 30

second post pump cycle. If another DHW
call for heat is initiated the boiler ignition
sequence will begin immediately.



] Boiler is in standby MODE wait-

ing for a CH or DHW call for heat.

4. Verify the DHW operation of the boiler by

repeating the outline operation sequence
several times.

5. Return the DHW aquastat and room ther-

mostat to the desired setting.