Top Flite Metrick User Manual

Page 4

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8. You will now need to drill an angled hole in the left

rear fuselage side for the red outer nyrod rudder

pushrod. Note the location of this on the plans. We
used a piece of sharpened brass tubing that was the
same diameter of the outer plastic tubing, in order to

get a good fit. Be sure to keep the location of this

pushrod as low in the fuselage as possible to avoid

any interference from the action of the stabilator

9. Pin, tape or lightly spot glue the two fuselage sides

together, with their outer surfaces touching—align
them to each other very carefully. Using the sanding

block, sand their outer edges to match them identi-

cally. While the sides are still together, carefully

match the main wing tube holes and the access
slots—the main wing tube holes must line-up accu-

10. Remove both W-1 ply wing root ribs and both F-11

fuselage root ribs carefully from their sheets.

Remove the main wing tube holes from each of the
ribs and the access slots from the F-11 ribs—use a
hobby knife to assist you. Take one of the F-11 ribs

and locate the indentation at the back, called out with
an arrow. Drill a 1/8" dia. hole in this rib, at 90° to its
surface—this rib is now your "drill guide" for the rest
of the ribs. Insert one of the main wing wire tubes
into the hole in the "drill guide" rib, letting one end of
it extend out from the rib about 1/16". Now drill the 1/8"
dia. hole needed in the remaining F-11 and W-1's, by
placing the rib onto the wing wire tube, lining up the
rib to be drilled with the "drill guide" rib and drilling

the hole—repeat this process until all four ribs have
accurately aligned and drilled holes. Use the same

procedure on the now matched fuselage sides; insert
one of the main wing wire tubes into the hole in the

fuselage side, slide an F-11 rib onto the tube and

down flat against the outside of the fuselage side,
position as shown on the plans and drill the 1/8" dia.
hole. Repeat this process with the other fuselage


11. Remove ply tailskid F-12 from its sheet. Position F-12

in place on one of the fuselage sides, as shown on the
plans. Mark its forward edge location on the longeron
in pencil. With a single edge razor blade, remove

approximately 1/32" of the thickness of the longeron,

forward to the pencil mark—this becomes half of the
slot that F-12 will fit into. Do the same thing to the
other fuselage side.

12. Lay the right fuselage side on your work surface in

front of you with the inside facing you. Take one of the

servos that you plan to use and position it between
the F-5 and F-6 former locations. Note the position of

the output arm. With a pencil, mark this location on
the 1/16" x 1/4" upright former locator in front of F-6.

Remove former F-6 and F-9 from their sheets and

position them in place on the fuselage side. Mark the
location of the output arm on F-6 and mark the
location of the red outer pushrod housing, shown on

the plans, on F-9. Sand or file a 3/16" slot on each side of
these two formers so that the red outer pushrod can
fit with the formers in place.

13. Remove formers F-4, F-5, F-10 (ply), F-7 and F-8 from

their sheets. (Note that formers F-5, F-6 and F-9 are
the same width—stack them to be sure and use a
sanding block if needed to get them that way.) Glue
formers F-5, F-6 and F-9 in place on the right fuselage
side. Apply glue to the opposite edges of these for-

mers and position the left fuselage side on them.

Tape and/or pin this structure so that it is absolutely
square and allow to dry completely.

14. With medium sandpaper, completely "rough-up"

both outer red pushrod tubes. Install the stabilator
pushrod on the right fuselage side by sliding it, from

the rear, through the slot in F-9 and then F-6, so that

about Vs" of it is exposed in front of F-6—see plans.
Slot the rear 1/8" x 1/4" upright, behind F-9, just below

the top rear longeron to accept this tube and press it

in place above the rear spacer, just below the fin. Cut

off the excess tubing exactly where shown on the

plans and use 5-minute epoxy to glue this tube in
place along the fuselage side and at F-6 and F-9.
Using the same method, install the rudder pushrod

tube along the left fuselage side. Note that this tube

gently bends downward once past F-9 so that it
arrives at the rear of the fuselage, laying along the

top of the bottom fuselage longeron and exits
through the slot we drilled earlier. Once the glue has
set, use a sharp single edge razor blade to trim off the
excess tubing on the outside rear of the left fuselage
side. Use a sanding block to sand this exit smooth
with the fuselage.

15. Glue ply former F-10 in place, directly above F-6. Note

that this former protrudes above the fuselage top by
a little more than 1/8".

16. Glue the 1/8" x 1/4" balsa cross brace in place at the

bottom of the fuselage, below F-7. This brace is the

gluing "shelf" for the 1/16" ply floor, forward to the

nose and the 1/16" cross-grain balsa floor, aft to the tail.

17. Temporarily install—do not epoxy yet—the 1/4" I.D.

main wing wire tube and the 3/32" I.D. rear fuselage
incidence tube in the appropriate holes on the fuse-
lage sides. Install and glue in place former F-8—this

former sits immediately in front of the rear 3/32" I.D.
fuselage incidence tube. Now cut, fit and glue a

length of 1/8" x 1/4" balsa directly beneath this tube and

against the rear bottom of F-8. Temporarily install the
channeled maple "U" block in place over the main

wing wire tube, open end facing up. Install and glue

in place former F-7 so that it fits flush to the rear of the

"U" block as shown on the plans. Remove the "U"

block and both of the fuselage wing tubes.

18. Install former F-4, holding the two fuselage sides

together at the nose with tape. Check to be sure that
the structure is still "square".

19. Glue the hardwood noseblock in place. Note that this

block fits between the two balsa fuselage sides,
immediately in front of the F-2 ply fuselage doublers.

Tape the block and the fuselage sides firmly in posi-
tion and allow to dry completely.