Top Flite TOPA0906 User Manual

Page 26

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When installing the cockpit kit, be sure to go slowly
and only trim small amounts at a time. Remember, it is
easy to remove material, but it is much more difficult to
put it back! Several different glues could be used during
the assembly. We suggest keeping the cockpit floor
removable in case access to the servos or receiver is
necessary. Hot glue or silicone sealant can be used
to glue parts that should be removable. Strategically
placed pieces of self-adhesive hook and loop material
could also be used. Thin and thick CA glue or epoxy
can be used to permanently glue parts together.


1. Before installing the cockpit kit, servo extensions

must be routed for the flap and aileron servos. Attach
a dual servo extension to the flap channel and aileron
channel on your receiver. Shrink a 1" [25mm] piece of
3/8" [9.5mm] heat shrink tubing around two 12" [305mm]
servo extensions. Make another pair of 12" [305mm]
servo extensions using another 1" [25mm] piece of
3/8" [9.5mm] heat shrink tubing. Shrink the tubing
around the servo extensions. Connect the servo
extensions to the dual servo extensions plugged into
the flap and aileron channels. Be sure that each pair
of servo extensions has one plugged into the flap
channel and one plugged into the aileron channel.
Glue the heat shrink tubing to the sides of the
fuselage in the location shown. Doing so will provide
easy access to plug in the flap and aileron servos
after the cockpit kit has been installed. Do the same
for the leads for the wingtip lights.


2. Begin by cutting out the seat bottoms for the

front seats. Canopy scissors work well for this. There
are cut lines on the parts. However, we suggest
cutting approximately 1/4" [6mm] beyond the cut
lines and assembling the halves by overlapping the
edges. (If you choose, you could cut along the cut
lines and edge glue the two halves together. Because
the pieces come pre-painted, a good fit would be
difficult doing it this way). Small slits will need to be

made in the back of the top half as shown. Test fit
the top half over the bottom half. The total height of
the seat bottom is not critical, but ours is 1" [25mm].
When satisfied with the fit, separate the parts and
finish sand the edges of the pieces. Glue the halves
together (thin CA works well).


3. The seat back halves are cut and assembled

the same way. Make note how the bottom edge of the
seat back is trimmed to fit inside the seat bottom. This
is a trial and error fit, so trim away small amounts at a
time and test fit the piece until a good fit is achieved.
When satisfied with the fit, finish sand the edges and
glue the halves together.