Top Flite TOPA0400 User Manual

Page 22

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1. Trim any remaining jig tabs from the top of

the wing. Use a long sanding bar to remove any
high spots and excess glue.

2. Pass a 13/64" drill bit through the holes in the

wing bolt plate, drilling through the bottom skin to
eliminate any problems finding the holes later.

3. Use a sharp hobby knife to roughly cut out

the openings for the aileron servos, flap servos
and retract gear.

4. With the top of the wing still open, now is the

best time to install the retract air tubing. Make a
small hole in the center sheeting to allow the
pressure tubing to exit the wing. To assist in the
installation of the aileron and flap servos, route
pieces of string through the tubes in the ribs, into
the center tray compartment. Later, when the
servos are installed, the string can be used to pull
the servo leads through the ribs.

5. Fit the top balsa wing skin to the wing.

NOTE: The top wing skin may be glued on in one of
two ways: You may glue the skin to the wing
structure all at once as you did when sheeting the
bottom, or you may use the following procedure.

6. Tape the wing skin to the LE in a few places.

Use thin CA to glue the skin to the LE.

7. Set the wing horizontally on the table and lift

the TE so the wing tilts forward at about 45%.

8. Working rapidly, put a stream of medium CA

on each rib at the spar and allow it to run forward
down the rib to the LE. Put a bead of medium CA
on the spar.

9. Hold the wing vertically on one wing tip and,

starting at the middle, roll the wing skin back onto
the wing. By holding the wing on its tip and putting
equal pressure on both sides of the wing, the wing
will retain its proper shape and washout.

10. Apply medium CA on the aft portion of the

ribs and the TE’s. Hold the wing vertically on its tip
again and press the aft portion of the wing skin
onto the structure.

11. Lightly sand the bottom wing skin on the

side of the radiator frame to match the angle of
flap root rib FL-2. Use a 3/32" x 3" x 30" balsa
sheet to finish the areas of the top wing that are
not covered by the main skin.

12. Carefully trim the sheeting over the center

tray and the opening for the pressure tubes.

13. Trim the top wing skins along the gap

between the wing TE spar and the flap LE.

14. Enlarge the holes where the wing bolts pass

through the skins to approximately 1/2" in diameter.

15. Sand the top and bottom wing skins flush

with the aileron wing TE assembly.

16. Sand the LE flush with the top and bottom

wing skins. Don’t worry about shaping the LE at
this time.

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