TC-Helicon Play Acoustic - Reference Manual User Manual

Page 35

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Play Acoustic – Reference manual (2014-07-16) 33

System page 2 (4/7)

Global Key parameter

Use the Global Key parameter to define if key
and scale information for harmony generation
and/or pitch correction should be global or pre-

Off setting
Key can be set per individual preset, via direct
key setting (C, D, F# etc ), Guitar IN via Natural-
Play, RoomSense or Aux.

On setting
When a key is chosen within a preset, that key
will remain even when you switch to another pre-

Global Tempo parameter

Use the Global Tempo parameter to define if
tempo-based effects should follow a global tem-
po or a preset-specific setting.

Off setting
Tap tempo set within a preset changes from pre-
set to preset.

On setting
Wen you have set a tempo using tempo tap-
ping within a preset, that tempo will remain even
when you switch to another preset.

RoomSense LoCut parameter

Use the RoomSense LoCut parameter to “roll
off” undesirable frequencies from your mix.

In some circumstances, the low frequencies “in
the room” – such as bass or kick drum – can
cause the RoomSense microphones to become
muddy sounding. The built-in high-pass filter al-
lows you to reduce this kind of “rumble”.

Guitar Gate parameter

Use the Guitar Gate parameter to set the gate
threshold for the GUITAR input.

Guitars have varying amounts of “noise” inherent
in their signal. Sometimes it is desirable to set a
gate to “cut off ” or “mute” the guitar when the
incoming signal is very low.

We have set the threshold pretty low by default,
but you may want to raise it to suit your style.
Having a higher gate threshold can be effec-
tive when playing quick chords with rests in be-

Mic Boost parameter

If you are a quiet singer, you can use the Mic
Boost parameter to increase the microphone

Some artists sing more quietly than others, re-
quiring the Mic Gain knob to be turned up quite
far. To offset this, we have added a Mic Boost

feature which allows +6 (“Low”) or +12 (“High”)
dB of extra gain if you need it. The default value
is +6 dB (“Low”).

BodyRez Editing parameter

Basic setting
Only the Basic BodyRez page is accessible. The
Advanced BodyRez page is hidden.

Advanced setting
Both the Basic and Advanced BodyRez page are