TC-Helicon Play Acoustic - Reference Manual User Manual
Page 32

Setup button/section
Play Acoustic – Reference manual (2014-07-16) 30
Pressing and holding the button on you Mic
Control-enabled microphone will engage TALK
mode, bypassing all effects. To exit TALK mode,
press the microphone button again.
PRESET UP setting
With the PRESET UP setting, pressing the but-
ton on you Mic Control-enabled microphone will
cycle through the device’s presets, moving for-
Loop setting
With the Loop setting, pressing the button on
you Mic Control-enabled microphone will ac-
tivates or deactivate the Record/Play/Overdub
feature of the Looper.
Tone Style parameter
Use the Tone Style parameter to apply varying
amounts of adaptive EQ, Compression and Gate
to the signal.
OFF setting
No tone style is applied.
NORMAL setting
Some “bottom”, “mid” and “air” EQ, light com-
pression and minor gating is applied to the sig-
nal. “Minor gating” means: When the input level
gets low enough, the input gain is reduced to im-
prove open-mic feedback resistance.
The LESS BRIGHT setting is similar to normal,
but with less emphasis on the high frequency
EQ band.
The NORM+WARMTH setting is similar to nor-
mal, with a small “mid bump” to add some
warmth to the voice.
MORE COMP setting
The MORE COMP setting utilizes the normal EQ
and Gating settings, but it has more aggressive
compression settings. This is a good setting to
try if you have a large dynamic range when sing-
ing and want to keep your levels under control.
NORM NO GATE setting
Removes the Gate function from the NORMAL
The LESS BRIGHT NG is the same as the LESS
BRIGHT setting, but with the Gate function re-
moved (NG = “No Gate”).
WARMTH NG setting
The WARMTH NG setting is the same as
NORM+WARMTH, but with the Gate function
MORE COMP NG setting
The MORE COMP NG is the same as MORE
COMP, but with the Gate function removed.
Pitch Correction
Pitch Cor Amt parameter
Use the Pitch Correction parameter to control
the amount of auto-chromatic pitch correction
Play Acoustic applies to all incoming signals
from the microphone.
For a natural sound, we find that 50 % or less
is a good starting point. If you are having a hard
time hitting notes accurately, or want an auto-
tuned sound on all of your vocals, experiment
with amounts closer to 100 %, or use the Hard-
Tune effect block.
Pitch Cor Amt settings are temporarily overrid-
den when the HardTune block is active.
Pitch correction and (perceived) phasing
If you are new to auto-chromatic pitch correc-
tion, you may find that the sound you hear with
Correction engaged sounds “doubled”. This is
due to you hearing both the corrected signal
from Play Acoustic and your own voice (via bone
conduction in your noggin). The two sounds
have small variances, which can be interpreted
as “doubling”. This is perfectly normal, but will
take a bit of getting used to. The audience will
not hear the “doubling” that you hear.
For more information about pitch correction
phasing, check out thi