SmarTek Systems SAS-1 Setup Using SAS Monitor User Manual

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SmarTek Systems (


(“upper detection threshold”) and the Maximum Detection Sensitivity (“lower detection

A typical value for this parameter = 24.75.

Min Det Sensitivity - Sets the SAS-1’s minimum detection sensitivity. Detection
sensitivity increases (“detection threshold”decreases) with higher values. The SAS-1
vehicle detector sensitivity always operates between the Minimum Detection Sensitivity
(“upper detection threshold”) and the Maximum Detection Sensitivity (“lower detection

A typical value for this parameter = 22.00.

Alpha - Sets the amount of averaging over time of acoustic power before vehicle
detection (for no smoothing use 1.0, for heavy smoothing use 0.05).

A typical value for

this parameter is 0.30.

Rpt Intv - Sets the data collection and reporting interval (1 second to 220 seconds) of the
SAS-1 unit when operating in the Flow Mode (Mode=2,4,7) or the Azimuth Detection
Mode (Mode=3). The default operational value for the reporting interval is set using the
Set Default Operating Mode Dialog Window.

Lanes or Zones Parameters: These parameters define each detection zone position and size
with respect to 181 TAI display pixels and the 91 look directions for which power is measured in
the SAS-1 unit. Calibration parameters for lane occupancy and average speed are also specified
on a lane by lane basis.

Cntr - Sets the detection zone center position in terms of 181 TAI display pixels. The
SAS-1 unit will convert this value to the appropriate look direction index value.
Size - Sets the detection zone size in terms of 181 TAI display pixels. The SAS-1 unit
will convert this value to the appropriate range of look direction index values.
Sens - Specifies lane by lane detection sensitivity adjustment. A simple procedure for
setting this parameter for each lane is described later in this document.
SpCal –Specifies the lane by lane adjustment factor used to calibrate the average speed
for each lane. A effective tool for setting this parameter to calibrate speed for each lane is
described later in this document.
Ocal - Specifies the lane by lane adjustment factor used to calibrate the lane occupancy
for each lane (typical value= 0.5).

Making changes to SAS-1 parameters will cause a yellow parameter flag to be displayed. This
flag is a reminder that some or all of the displayed parameters have been changed (only in
SAS Monitor) and need to be sent to the SAS-1 and written to the SAS-1’s non-volatile

SAS-1 Setup

The SAS-1 is best setup with active traffic in the lanes to be monitored.

The SAS ID is of the form SASxxxx, where xxxx is a four digit number (i.e. SAS0001,
SAS0002,....SAS0999, etc.). For installations where only one SAS-1 will be connected to a
cabinet controller via a home run cable or wireless link, set the SAS ID to SAS0001. For
installations where multiple SAS-1s will be connected to a single cabinet controller via a
single home run cable or a wireless link, set each SAS ID to consecutive values starting at