Slant/Fin Gas Steam User Manual
Steam / gas application guide, Contents introduction

Guidelines for the design, purchase and installation of Slant/Fin gas-fired steam modular boiler systems.
Introduction .............................................................................1
Ratings and dimensions .........................................................2
Boiler room air supply .............................................................3
Venting gas fired system .....................................................4,5
Gas main sizing ...................................................................6,7
All Caravan installations must comply to local codes or, in the
absence of local codes, to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI,
Z223.1 latest edition.
In addition where required by the authority having jurisdiction,
the installation must conform to American Society of
Mechanical Engineers Safety Codes for controls and safety
devices for automatically fired boilers, No. CSD-1. The instal-
lation must also conform to the additional requirements of
Slant/Fin Instruction book publication No. GG-100-40 latest
All electrical wiring is to be done in accordance with the
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA No. 7 latest edition and
all local electrical codes. The unit must be electrically ground-
ed if an external power source is used.
In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with stan-
dards CGA B149.1 and B149.2, installation codes for gas
burning appliances and equipment and/or local codes. All
electrical connections are to be made in accordance with
Standard C.S.A. C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1
and/or local codes.
Many state and local codes require intermittent ignition
devices for gas boilers. Please specify if necessary.
There are many varieties of steam heating systems. Because
of the wide range of field conditions, the design of these sys-
tems is beyond the scope of this manual. However, when
designing a steam Caravan boiler plant, certain guidelines
should be followed that are common to all modular steam
heating application.
This entire manual should be read prior to installing the
Slant/Fin Caravan steam system.
Safety – each module contains a dual combination gas valve,
ASME 15 lb Relief valve and pressure gauge.
Introduction of excessive amounts of fresh water into a sys-
tem can cause scaling and leave deposits in the boiler and
the surrounding water pipes. This will lead to inefficient boiler
operation and breakdown. Fresh water will enter the system
as a result of leaks such as may occur in underground piping.
Process applications that use fresh water require the use of
heat exchangers. Any process application that results in intro-
duction of fresh water into a boiler can cause scaling, with
deposits forming in the boiler and surrounding piping. This will
damage the boiler. Introduction of fresh water from leaks will
cause similar damage.
In some areas it may be necessary to use a feed water treat-
ment to control the corrosive makeup of the fill water. Check
with the local authority to determine if the feed water will need
a conditioning treatment before being supplied to the boiler.
Typical steam system layout ...................................................8
Steam piping design ...............................................................9
Installation and piping ......................................................10,11
Boiler feed pump sizing ...................................................12,13
Wiring at module .............................................................14-16
Publication No. CG-10-SG
Printed in the U.S.A. 1112