Slant/Fin VSL-160C Part C User Manual
13 - use, 6 – outdoor reset with room compensation

13.10.6 – Outdoor reset
with room compensation
While in the “Installers’ Menu” (section
13.17) set the
parameter to 02.
The system will function exactly as
described in the previous “Outdoor
reset adjustment” sections except
that now the boiler pump will stay on
permanently. The opening of the room
thermostat contacts will translate into
a parallel downward movement of
the curve in Figures 13-2 and 13-3.
The value by which the curve moves
downwards can be adjusted by the
parameter present in the
“Installers’ Menu”, see section 13.17.
parameter can range
from 1 °F (1 °C) to 36 °F, (20°C). The
suggested values for this parameter
- 18 °F (10°C) for high temperature
radiator systems;
- 6 °F (3°C) for low temperature radiant
panel systems
Values of this parameter that are
too high may translate into room
temperature instability. Values that are
too low may make the action of the
room thermostat ineffective.
Climatic adjustment with room
compensation can be used in all the
systems described in Section 13.10.1.
The advantage being that the constant
running of the pump will stabilize and
standardize the room temperatures.
This is especially true when some loops
in the heating system have considerably
greater volume than others.
13 - USE
OA = Slope of the line
Ob = Minimum heating
Oc = Maximum heating
br = “Fix point” of the angle
fulcrum of the line
b = parallel shift of the lin
(adjusted by the heating
knob, item “7” of fi gure 13-1)
Figure 13-3 -
Graphs of th
e outdoor reset adj
(infl uence of parameter “b”)
Figure 13-2 -
Graph of th
e outdoor reset adj
(infl uence of parameters “br”, “OA”, “Ob” and “Oc”)
Outside temperature (°F)
Calculated temperature (°F
Outside temperature (°F)
Calculated temperature (°F