Views for the sk-5208 – SilentKnight 5660 Silent Knight Software Suite User Manual

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Installation and Operations Manual

P/N 151240


Views for the SK-5208

The Zones screen below is one of several screens used to set programming options
for the SK-5208.

Figure 3: Zones View for Panel Programming

Table 4: Programming Views for the SK-5208

View Name

Use This View To


Add, delete or modify zones.


Establish or modify zone NAC/output patterns such as silence,
fire, prealarm, etc.

NAC/Output Patterns

Create custom output patterns for sounding devices and other
output devices.


Change options for the dialer. This includes such options as
account number, reporting format, and other options related to
reporting to a central station.


Add and modify 3 to 6 digit installer and operator user codes,
alarm responses, such as NAC automatic silence time and
prealarm time, and banner display settings.


Select options for output groups, including adding and deleting