Animated digital gobos, Euroflag (002/000) – PRG Mbox Designer User Manual v3.7 User Manual

Page 82

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Animated Digital Gobos

Mbox animated gobos are similar to SVG gobos, but they have built-in functions which have their own controls.
Animated gobos, saved as .dgob files, are located in the


folder. Unlike normal

digital gobos, these files do not need to be compiled so there will be no corresponding .vtxa files. Like other digital
gobos, the animated gobos are treated as objects and some of them require lighting.

The animated gobos use three channels on the Object fixture: Animation Speed, Animation Modifier A, and Animation
Modifier B.


Animation Speed: affects the rate (and in some cases the direction) of the gobos’ motion.


Modifiers A & B: manipulate other traits.

For a complete channel map, refer to

"Mbox Parameter Descriptions"

on page 209.

EuroFlag (002/000)

The EuroFlag animated gobo is very basic. The layer’s texture is applied to each star and the Animation Speed
channel controls the speed at which the stars rotate. The A and B modifiers have no effect.