Modelinfo – PRG Mbox Designer User Manual v3.7 User Manual

Page 205

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Counts -number of steps of incoming data that equal the Travel setting's value. For Example: Using an unsigned
8-bit (u8) parameter with a range of 0-255, if you want your topo object to move 2 meters across the range of 0-
255, you would enter a Travel of 2.0, and Counts of 255.


Vector (X/Y/Z) - direction of travel described as a directional vector -1.0 - 1.0. X is left<->right, Y is up<->down, Z
is towards<->away. Positive values would cause movement to the positive side of each axis - right, up, towards.
Negative values cause movement to the negative side - left, down, away. For the most flexibility you may add a
position control for each axis, setting each with a single vector. For "diagonal" vectors, a combination of vector
values must be entered. [Tip: to reverse the direction of motion for any incoming value, flip the sign on the
appropriate vector.] [Warning: you must have a non-zero vector value in at least one direction to allow controls to


Origin (X/Y/Z) - the origin point of position adjustment. This is analogous to entering an offset for object

Topography > ModelInfo > Keystone/Warp

A keystone/warp can be added to topography files. Refer to

"Projection > Output Setup > Keystone/Warp"


page 186 for information on how to create and configure a keystone or warp for a topo object.

Topography > Multi Model

As discussed in the Topography > Geometry section, Remote allows you to create a Multi Model, which is a collection
of more than one object file. A Multi Model allows you to use more than one object on a layer, with each object having
its own properties. The Multi Model tab is where you designate the object files (in Folder.File syntax) that belong to the
Multi Model.

Double-click on the empty grey field to enter editing mode, type in the object's index and press the [return] key.


In addition to being able to affect the modelinfo properties of Mbox-created topo objects, Remote also allows you to
add modelinfo properties to existing object files (obj, svg). This functionality provides the means to set fixed and
emissive properties, override UV mapping, add controls, and apply a keystone/warp.

ModelInfo > Properties

Refer to

"Topography > ModelInfo > Properties"

on page 195 for information.

ModelInfo > Tex Camera

Refer to

"Topography > ModelInfo > Tex Camera"

on page 195 for information.

ModelInfo > Controls

Refer to

"Topography > ModelInfo > Controls"

on page 195 for information.

ModelInfo > Keystone/Warp

Refer to

"Projection > Output Setup > Keystone/Warp"

on page 186 for information.

Note: Keystone and warp changes can only be made to obj files, and not to svg files. Changes are not made
immediately; you must perform a media rescan in Mbox for the changes to take effect.