Topography – PRG Mbox Designer User Manual v3.7 User Manual

Page 200

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Camera Control Descriptions:


Orthogonal checkbox: disables perspective rendering and forces camera position to center. Used for flattening
view, affects aspect and texture mapping on 3D objects.


Bearing: camera's horizontal angular offset from the Z axis.


Distance: camera's horizontal distance from the origin.


Eye Position: camera location.


X: camera's distance from the origin along the X axis.


Y: camera's distance from the origin along the Y axis.


Z: camera's distance from the origin along the Z axis.


Link Eye Position & Look At Point checkbox: links Eye Position and Look At X and Y parameters to allow easy
lateral shifting of the image.


Look At Point: focus point (along a line through the center of the lens) for the camera.


X: look at point's distance from the origin along the X axis.


Y: look at point's distance from the origin along the Y axis.


Z: look at point's distance from the origin along the Z axis.


Lens Adjust: adjustments to correct the effects of lens zoom or distortion in the output device (typically a


Aspect: widens or narrows the image to correct for aspect changes between output and projector's native


FOV: adjusts Field of View to match lens angle of camera to that of the projector.


Roll: rotates the camera around the axis drawn through the lens to the Look At Point.


Shear X: applies a horizontal rotation to the camera while maintaining both Eye Position and Look At Point.
Used to correct the effects of lens shift or keystoning.


Shear Y: applies a vertical rotation to the camera while maintaining both Eye Position and Look At Point. Used
to correct the effects of lens shift or keystoning.


Image Shift


X: moves entire image horizontally without affecting perspective.


Y: moves entire image vertically without affecting perspective.

Eye Position, Look At Point, and if known, FOV, can be entered in advance from known measurements to set
up projection mapping. Other parameters like Aspect, Roll, or Shear may need to be adjusted manually to
correct minor issues with perspective or line-up.


Mbox's Topography files (topo objects) are 3D objects constructed programmatically within the Mbox Designer and
Mbox Remote interactions. Topo objects are intended primarily as projection surfaces to be used for projection
mapping. Because they can be created in Remote, there is no need for an external modeling application. UV mapping
(texturing) coordinates are also created and manipulated. There are several topo object types to choose from. Topo
object can be resized, positioned, rotated, and curved as required to create the correct projection surface.

Topo objects (with the exception of the Pixel Rect) use units of measure equivalent to the units of measure used for
the Camera positioning. Therefore, if you are using meters for measurement in the projector locations in your venue,
any projection objects should be measured in meters as well and their respective topo objects created with
dimensions in meters.