11 billing tone filter commands, 12 threshold override commands, Billing tone filter commands – Maxim Integrated 73M1822/73M1922 Modem CTL Application User Manual
Page 19: Threshold override commands

73M1822/73M1922 Modem CTL Application User Guide
Rev. 1.0
2.11 Billing Tone Filter Commands
This command enables or disables the billing tone filter. If enable the user must specify the Receive Low
Pass Notch (RLPN) frequency of 12 or 16 kHz.
1X22CTL:NN> billingtonefilter [enable|disable] [12khz|16khz]
Shows the current active channel ID.
The following is a log of the billing tone filter commands:
Figure 18: Billing Tone Filter Command Logging Session
2.12 Threshold Override Commands
The FXO channel is operating with the parameter threshold configured by the channel initialization
procedure. This command can be used to override the threshold value with new threshold. Three
threshold parameters can be overridden:
1. Active Termination Loop (ACZ)
2. DC Current Voltage Characteristic Control (DCIV)
3. Ring Detect Threshold
1X22CTL:NN> threshold acz xx dciv yy rgth zz
0 – 3 (Active Termination Loop).
0 – 3 (DC Current Voltage Characteristic Control).
0 – 3 (Ring Detect Threshold).
Shows the current active channel ID.
The following is a log of the billing tone filter commands:
Figure 19: Override Threshold Command Logging Session
Modem CTL:00> billingtonefilter enable 12khz
Modem CTL:00> billingtonefilter disable
Enable billing tone filter
with RLPN at 12 kHz.
Disable billing tone filter.
Modem CTL:00> threshold acz 2 dciv 2 rgth 2
Override threshold.