5 dial commands, Dial commands, Figure 8: dial command logging session – Maxim Integrated 73M1822/73M1922 Modem CTL Application User Manual

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73M1822/73M1922 Modem CTL Application User Guide

Rev. 1.0


2.5 Dial Commands

The dial is the command for managing pulse dial feature. With this command the user can perform
pulse dialing with a numeric digit string, abort or cancel an on-going dial process, or changing or display
pulse dial timing parameter. To display the dial timing parameter omit all input after the token “param”.


1X22CTL:NN> dial (dial number nnnnnnnnnn)
dial cancel (cancel dial)
dial param (change param to ii jj & kk)
dial param
(display timer parameters)



Numeric dial string.


On-hook duration.


Off-hook duration.


Inter-digit duration.

The following is a log of the command:

1. Dial on current active channel (0) with the dial string of “7142136016”.

2. Cancel an on-going dial command.

3. Change dial timer parameters – on-hook duration to 40, off-hook duration to 60 and inter-digit

duration to 800 ms.

Figure 8: Dial Command Logging Session

Modem CTL:00> dial 7142136016

Modem CTL:00> dial cancel

Cancel pulse dial on current active channel: 0.

Modem CTL:00>


Modem CTL:00> dial param 40 60 800

Modem CTL:00> dial param
On-hook duration : 40 ms.

Off-hook duration : 60 ms.

Inter-digit duration: 800 ms.

Modem CTL:00>

Set dial parameters to
40, 60, and 800 ms.

Display dial parameters.

Dial 7142136016.

Cancel a dial session.