2 max15500 output conditioners, Max15500 output conditioners – Maxim Integrated MAXREFDES24EVSYS User Manual
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Rev 0
4.1.2 MAX15500 Output Conditioners
Following USB connection, the MAX15500 Output Conditioners section will refresh to show the default
configuration and initial error states of the MAX1550 devices. Upon any power-up (or supply brownout
condition), the Supply Brownout alarm is expected. A red LED on the MAXREFDES24 hardware will also be
on. A subsequent Refresh of the MAX15500 Output Conditioners section will clear the alarm.
One can set the Brownout threshold in 2V increments from
±10V to ±24V. In the MAXREFDES24 design, a
brownout threshold of
±24V triggers a Supply Brownout alarm.
The default mode upon power up for the analog outputs is Standby with a
±10V brownout threshold and
thermal protection disabled. Use the Configuration sections to configure the on-board MAX15500 signal
conditioners to output common industrial control signal ranges (current or voltage) and to read back any error
conditions the MAX15500 report.
• Use the Refresh button to read and refresh the Configuration and Error(s) status of the MAX15500
• Use the Apply button to write the displayed configuration to the MAX15500 devices. Enable Refresh
On Apply to immediately issue a read or Refresh command following a write or Apply.