Printing recipes and notes – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

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11. Printing Recipes and Notes

This chapter describes how to print on regular paper.

MacGourmet offers you many printing options. You can print one item or many
items. You can print one item per page or many to a page.

To print, you just need to select one or many items in your recipe box and
press the Print toolbar item, or select Print... from the File menu. Either action
will cause the Print window to be displayed. The Print window allows you to
choose the template you’d like to use for printing and gives you an approxi-
mate preview of what your recipes or items will look like when printed. Note
that this is only approximate. To really see what your print out will look like,
press the “Print” button at the bottom of the Print window, which will display
the Print Settings sheet, and press the “Preview” button found at the bottom left
of the sheet.

It should be noted that dynamic templates are printed on normal printer paper,
and can be printed all at once.


TIP: You can only print one type of item at a time. This
means that if you are in your recipe list, you can select
as many recipes as you want and print them. However,
if you are in a user list, you can only select multiple
items of the same type.

To print each of your selected recipes on a separate page, check the “Print one
item per page” check box. To change the print margins, press the “Set Margins”