Creating and using smart lists – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

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Creating and Using Smart Lists

Let MacGourmet create recipe, note, wine, beer, and cheese lists for you auto-
matically with Smart Lists. Simply specify your criteria — like recipes you have
prepared or recipes with a rating greater than 3 or wine from the region of
France — and MacGourmet will do the rest. MacGourmet finds the items that
match the things you specify and creates a list that updates itself automatically.

If you were to create a Smart List for recipes, using the values shown with the
recipe example below, a new list would be created for you that displayed reci-
pes that you have prepared with a rating that is greater than 4. As you mark
more recipes as prepared, and rated others, this list would be updated to reflect
these changes, provided you had the "Live updating" box checked. Checking the
“Limit to” check box would allow the Smart list to show only 20 of the recipes in
the database that matched your list settings instead of all of them.