The chef view - your kitchen cooking helper, Viewing more than one list at a time – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

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The Chef View - Your Kitchen Cooking Helper

If you prefer to have your laptop or computer in the kitchen while you cook (in-
stead of Mariner’s Gourmet iOS), you can display any recipes you are working
on in a Chef View. Chef Views are windows containing a view of your recipe that
is optimized for use while cooking. The text is large enough so that you can
read the ingredients and directions from a distance. This view displays only
what you need to see while cooking-the list of ingredients and the directions.

Viewing More than One List at a Time

Not content with just viewing and organizing your recipes and notes in your
recipe box? No problem. MacGourmet allows you to open lists in their own win-
dows, with their own item views, for extra flexibility. This allows you to see one
of your lists in its own “recipe box” like window, without a view on the left side.
In addition, updating or adding anything to a list when viewed in its own win-
dow will also cause the update to happen in your main recipe box, keeping eve-
rything synchronized for you.

To view a list in its own window, select a list and either press the “View List”
toolbar item, or choose “View List” from the File menu.