To create a new recipe smart list – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

Page 12

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Find Results

The results of specific criteria searches you’ve done using the Find menu ap-
pear in this list.

Last Import

The "Last Import" list displays the items that were added to your database the
last time you imported something. Every time you do an import, the current list
items are replaced with any newly imported items. Don't worry though, because
even though the items were removed from your "Last Import" list, you will still
be able to find them in your appropriate "My Lists” and anywhere you might
have copied them.


The trash can gives you a convenient location to drag recipes, search results or
anything else from within MacGourmet.

Smart Lists

Smart Lists allow you to create lists of items that match criteria you specify. Once cre-
ated, they can be configured to keep themselves up-to-date as you make changes to
your database, like imports, changes to ratings, etc.

To create a new Recipe Smart List:

1. Click on the view that holds all of your lists.

2. Right-click or Ctrl-click on the list and choose New > Smart Recipe List from

the menu.

3. Alternatively, choose File > New > Smart Recipe List.