Creating and editing recipes, Creating recipes, Editing recipes – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

Page 20: The info tab

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2. Creating and Editing Recipes

This section describes creating and editing recipes.

Creating Recipes

To create a new recipe:

1. Choose File > New > Recipe (⌘-N).

A new empty recipe in the currently selected list is created and the info window
is displayed.

Editing Recipes

You can edit and view
recipes simply by
double-clicking on one
in one of your lists or by
selecting something in
your recipe box and
choosing File > Get Info.

The Info Tab

1. The recipe name.

2. The source of the

recipe. This is where
the recipe came from.

3. Any additional source

info you’d like to
note, like the author
or a cookbook.

4. Free-form area where