Customizing table columns, Accessing the list of columns to display, Rearranging the columns – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

Page 14

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Customizing Table Columns

The table columns of each type of recipe box list is customizable. This lets you
show only the columns you are interested in. It also allows you to display them
in the order you desire.

Accessing the list of columns to display

Hold the right mouse button down (or press the ctrl key on your keyboard and
hold down the mouse button) and click on any table column. When you do this,
a menu with all of the available columns is displayed, with a check mark next to
all of the columns that are set to display. If you want to hide a column, just se-
lect a checked column name from the list, the checkbox next to the item will no
longer appear, and the column will be hidden in your recipe box. To show col-
umn, select an unchecked column from the list to add a checkbox, and the col-
umn will be then displayed.

Rearranging the columns

Click on a column header and drag it to a new position. Note that there are dif-
ferent columns for different list types. For instance, selecting a list that only
displays recipes will have recipe-related columns available, selecting a wine
note will have wine-note related, etc. User lists, because they can contain any
type of item, will only display columns that are common to all of the items it
can contain.