Exporting recipes and notes – Mariner Software MacGourmet User Manual

Page 48

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You can also drag and drop an import file into your Recipe Box! Just select an
import file in the Finder and drag it into one of your lists, or onto one of your
lists. That's all there is to it.

Once imported, your new items can be found in both your appropriate "My" list,
and in your "Last Import" list.

Exporting Recipes and Notes

Exporting items is as easy as importing them. You can export recipes in a vari-
ety of formats, described below:

MacGourmet Export Files

The MacGourmet file export types include two different ways to export both
text and binary versions of recipes, wine notes and notes. The formats with the
word “Personal’ appended to them will create export files that include both your
personal ratings and whether you have prepared the recipe or not. Those
MacGourmet formats not marked as personal will not include this information.
This allows you to make export files that will preserve your own information,
and files that are more generic, which is preferable when sharing your items
with others.

When you choose to export MacGourmet Binary files, any embedded images will
be saved in a format that is smaller and faster to import later. The text format
is useful when putting your export files on a web site or sending them through
email. In the text version of the format, any embedded images are converted to
text, making them easier to share across different mail and web servers, but
also making them larger.

Text and Rich Text

1. Choose the list or set of recipes in your recipe box that you’d like to export.

2. Choose File > Export... and choose either Text File or RTF File as the format.