Curves notes – Canon CHDK User Manual
Page 56

notes, 22 /August /2010 (edited) –
“The functionality of “Lock Edge overlay” has changed, and has been renamed - “Panorama mode”.
Previously its greatest use was to enable loading a saved overlay to your camera. But the loading code
has been changed so that locking the overlay before loading a stored one is not necessary anymore.
“Panorama mode” now means “Stay in Frozen mode while locked, while capturing new overlays on a
full shutter press”. This means that while the lock is on and the overlay is “Frozen”, normal behavior is
not restored if taking a new picture. The camera will instead update the edge overlay and stay in Frozen
mode. This allows easily taking large panorama pictures, a feature that was missing previously!
Also, there is a new menu item, "
Filter edges
", to optionally enable pre-filtering on the viewport data
instead of postfiltering the Edge overlay results as previously. This results in a much nicer image, as you
will see, This filtering option produces less false-edges and makes the edge detection usable in even very
noisy environments. "Filter edges" is used as an option (can be enabled or disabled) to avoid the extra
overhead required, which on some cameras might slow Edge overlay operation.
If you are in Frozen mode, when the overlay is displayed (for example during half-press) the message
"Frozen" is on the screen. If this text is displayed, it is in Frozen mode, and you are able to save the
overlay. In Frozen mode the edge overlay does not get updated during half-press, it is only being
displayed. You have to be in Frozen mode to save. Just take a shot and the overlay will be in memory
after that - even when not displayed on the screen, as long as you are in Frozen mode, then you can save
the image, this is a small behavioral change, it seems more logical and more consistent”
To move an overlay - with a loaded overlay first switch to
mode, then press a Directional button -
to move the overlay continuously until you release the button, or click the button to move in
It would be advisable to make a log of the saved edge overlays, keeping a description together with the
file number and date of the file, to keep track of them over time, perhaps adding GPS information as well.
When using new Edge overlay for the first time, start with a fresh
configuration file, just
go to the old one and delete it. There are new configs. with the new Edge overlay which might cause
some conflicts. Disable Edge overlay when using the Canon Panorama Stitch Assist mode.
Curves notes
Custom Curves
Enables the use of custom "curve" profiles to adjust the exposure of RAW and JPEG images.
Please read this long thread - Custom processing for JPEG (Tone curve, CA ...) :-
at the CHDK Forum, for its full functions and
use. As well as downloading a custom-curve editor (for PC) to create your own profiles. For those of you
new to curve adjustments to exposures there's a nice little overview to what they do and how they might
affect an image in this Curve Anthology:
Difference between CV and CVF curves: CV curves are the standard RGB curves. CVF curves are
special versions of the curves which intends to avoid color shift side effect of the RGB curves. They are
an approximation of the luminance curves. Except the SYSCURVES.CVF file, it is recommended to put
the curves files in the \curves directory.