Encore woodburning stove – Vermont Casting 2550 User Manual

Page 6

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Encore Woodburning Stove


Chimney Connector Guidelines

A chimney connector is the double-wall or single-wall

pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chim-

ney itself is the masonry or prefabricated structure that

encloses the flue. Chimney connectors are used only to

connect the stove to the chimney, as in Figure 5.
Double-wall connectors must be tested and listed for

use with solid-fuel burning appliances. Single-wall con-

nectors should be made of 24 gauge or heavier steel.

Do not use galvanized connector; it cannot withstand

the high temperatures that can be reached by smoke

and exhaust gases, and may release toxic fumes under

high heat. The connector may be 6” (152mm) or 8 “

(203mm) in diameter.
If possible, do not pass the chimney connector through

a combustible wall or ceiling. If passage through a com-

bustible wall is unavoidable, refer to the section on Wall

Pass-Throughs. Do not pass the connector through an

attic, a closet or similar concealed space. The whole

connector should be exposed and accessible for in-

spection and cleaning.
In horizontal runs of chimney connector, maintain a dis-

tance of 24” (610mm) from the ceiling. Keep it as short

and direct as possible, with no more than two 90° turns.

Slope horizontal runs of connector upward 1/4” per foot

(6mm per meter) going from the stove toward the chim-

ney. The recommended maximum length of a horizontal

run is 3ʼ (1m), and the total length should be no longer

than 8ʼ (2.4m). In cathedral ceiling installations, extend

the prefabricated chimney downward to within 8ʼ (2.4)

of the stove.
Wear gloves and protective eyewear when drilling,
cutting or joining sections of chimney connector.

Double-wall Chimney Connectors

Information on assembling and installing double-wall

connectors is provided by the manufacturer of the

double-wall pipe. Follow the manufacturerʼs instructions

exactly as you assemble the connector and attach it to

the stove and chimney. Using chimneys and connectors

from the same manufacturer makes the assembly and

installation straightforward.
NOTE: For installations using double-wall connectors,

minimum clearances must conform to the listed clear-

ances in the clearance chart on Page 14.
If the Encore is equipped with the 8” flue collar, an oval-

to-round adapter will be needed. Double-wall oval-to-

round adapters are available from some manufacturers.

Your local dealer can help you select the right connec-


Single-wall Chimney Connectors

Begin assembly at the flue collar of the stove. Insert

the first crimped end into the stoveʼs flue collar, and

keep each crimped end pointing toward the stove.

(Fig. 5)Using the holes in the flue collar as guides,

drill 1/8” (3mm) holes in the bottom of the first sec-

tion of chimney connector and secure it to the flue

collar with three #10 x 1/2” sheet metal screws.

Secure each joint between sections of chimney

connector, including

telescoping joints, with

at least three (3) sheet

metal screws. The pre-

drilled holes in the top of

each section of chimney

connector serve as guides

when you drill 1/8” (3mm)

holes in the bottom of the

next section.

Secure the chimney con-

nector to the chimney.

Instructions for various

installations follow.

Be sure the installed stove

and chimney connector are correct distances from

nearby combustible materials.

NOTE: Special slip pipes and thimble sleeves that form

telescoping joints between sections of chimney con-

nector are available to simplify installations. They often

eliminate the need to cut individual connector sections.
Consult your local dealer about these special pieces.

Securing the Single-wall Connector to a

Prefabricated Chimney

Follow the installation instructions of the chimney

manufacturer exactly as you install the chimney. The

manufacturer of the chimney will supply the acces-

sories to support the chimney, either from the roof of

the house, at the ceiling of the room where the stove is

installed, or from an exterior wall.
Special adapters are available from your local dealer

to make the connection between the prefabricated

chimney and the chimney connector. The top of such

adapters attaches directly to the chimney or to the

chimneyʼs ceiling support package, while the bottom of

the adapter is screwed to the chimney connector.
These adapters are designed so the top end will fit

outside the inner wall of the chimney, and the bottom

end will fit inside the first section of chimney connector.

When assembled in this way, any soot or creosote fall-

ing from the inner walls of the chimney will stay inside

the chimney connector.


Chimney connector

12/13/99 djt

Fig. 5 the crimped end

of the connector points

toward stove.