Encore woodburning stove – Vermont Casting 2550 User Manual

Page 12

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Encore Woodburning Stove


Chimney Connector Heat Shields

Chimney Connector Heat Shields should be used

whenever the rear heat shield is used, or in any other

situation when it is necessary to protect nearby com-

bustibles from the heat of the connector. The ceiling

above horizontal runs of chimney connector must be

protected as well if the clearance is inadequate.
In top-exiting installations, the connector shield must

extend to a point exactly 28” (710mm) above the flue

collar or to an elbow in the connector, whichever is less.

If the top-exiting connector extends to the ceiling where

it connects with a prefabricated insulated metal chim-

ney, an additional ceiling heat shield must be installed

that is 24” (610mm) in diameter and that extends 1”

(25mm) below the ceiling. The ceiling shield must be

constructed of 24 gauge or heavier sheet metal, and

must be centered on the chimney.

Fireplace and Mantel Trim Shields

A fireplace installation requires special clearance be-

tween the side of the stove and the right and left walls,

between the side of the stove and the decorative side

trim on the fireplace face, and between the top of the

stove and the mantel.
Noncombustible shields installed 1” (25mm) from the

combustible surface on noncombustible spacers, called

ventilated shields, may be used to reduce clearances.
To protect a mantel from the heat of an Encore in a

fireplace installation, use a custom-made ventilated

mantel shield that is at least 48” (1219mm) long, that is

centered over the stove. (Fig. 15) Ventilated shields for

side trim must extend the full length of the trim.
An unprotected mantel (“A”, Fig. 16) cannot be more

than 9” (229mm) deep and must have a minimum clear-

ance of 39” (990mm), measured from the stoveʼs top

plate. With a ventilated shield, this clearance may be

reduced safely to 18” (457mm).
Unprotected top trim (B) protruding 9” (229mm) or less

from the face of the fireplace must be a minimum of 39”

(990mm) from the stoveʼs top surface. With a ventilated

trim shield, this clearance may be reduced safely to 18”

Unprotected side trim (C) that protrudes 2” (50mm) or

less from the face of a fireplace must have a minimum

clearance of 10” (254mm), measured from the stoveʼs

top side edge. With a ventilated trim shield, the clear-

ance may be reduced safely to 8” (203mm). If the

trim extends more than 2” (50mm), it is subject to the

requirements for wall clearance.
The charts and sample installations that follow list all

the clearances required for the various installation con-

figurations of the Encore.

1" (25mm)

1/4" (6mm)


mantel and

trim shield

11/10/00 djt


Fig. 15 A custom formed mantel shield.



trim clearances

02/01 djt





Fireplace and Mantel Trim Clearances



A. Mantel

39” (990mm)

18” (457mm)

B. Top Trim

39” (990mm)

18” (457mm)

C. Side Trim

10” (254mm)

8” (203mm


Fig. 16 Maintain clearances to combustible components of

the mantelpiece.