1 fc_mr-4 card performance monitoring parameters, Table 15-60 on – Cisco ONS 15454 SDH User Manual
Page 54
Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual, R4.6
April 2008
Chapter 15 Performance Monitoring
15.7 Performance Monitoring for the Fiber Channel Card
15.7 Performance Monitoring for the Fiber Channel Card
The following sections define performance monitoring parameters and definitions for the FC_MR-4
15.7.1 FC_MR-4 Card Performance Monitoring Parameters
CTC provides FC_MR-4 performance information, including line-level parameters, port bandwidth
consumption, and historical statistics. The FC_MR-4 card performance information is divided into the
Statistics, Utilization, and History tabbed windows within the card view Performance tab window.
Path Monitoring Severely Errored Seconds (SES-PM) indicates the
severely errored seconds recorded in the OTN path during the PM time
Path Monitoring Unavailable Seconds (UAS-PM) indicates the
unavailable seconds recorded in the OTN path during the PM time
Path Monitoring Failure Counts (FC-PM) indicates the failure counts
recorded in the OTN path during the PM time interval.
Path Monitoring Errored Seconds Ratio (ESR-PM) indicates the errored
seconds ratio recorded in the OTN path during the PM time interval.
Path Monitoring Severely Errored Seconds Ratio (SESR-PM) indicates
the severely errored seconds ratio recorded in the OTN path during the PM
time interval.
Path Monitoring Background Block Errors Ratio (BBER-PM) indicates
the background block errors ratio recorded in the OTN path during the PM
time interval.
Table 15-60 Near-End or Far-End OTN FEC PM Parameters for MXP_2.5G_10G Cards
Bit Errors
The number of bit errors corrected in the DWDM trunk line during the PM
time interval.
Uncorrectable Words
The number of uncorrectable words detected in the DWDM trunk line
during the PM time interval.
Table 15-59 Near-End or Far-End OTN G.709 PM Parameters for MXP_2.5G_10G Cards (continued)