Cisco ONS 15454 SDH User Manual
Page 43
Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual, R4.6
April 2008
Chapter 15 Performance Monitoring
15.6.5 TXP_MR_10G Card Performance Monitoring Parameters
Multiplex Section Severely Errored Second (MS-SES) is a one-second
period which contains 30 percent or more errored blocks or at least one
defect. SES is a subset of ES. For more information, see ITU-T G.829
Section 5.1.3.
Multiplex Section Severely Errored Second ratio (MS-SESR) is the ratio
of SES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement
Multiplex Section Background Block Error (MS-BBE) is an errored block
not occurring as part of an SES.
Multiplex Section Background Block Error Ratio (MS-BBER) is the ratio
of BBE to total blocks in available time during a fixed measurement
interval. The count of total blocks excludes all blocks during SESs.
Multiplex Section Unavailable Seconds (MS-UAS) is a count of the
seconds when the section was unavailable. A section becomes unavailable
when ten consecutive seconds occur that qualify as MS-SESs, and it
continues to be unavailable until ten consecutive seconds occur that do not
qualify as MS-SESs. When the condition is entered, MS-SESs decrement
and then count toward MS-UAS.
Multiplex Section Errored Block (MS-EB) indicates that one or more bits
are in error within a block.
Table 15-47 Near-End or Far-End PM Parameters for Ethernet Payloads on
TXP_MR_10G Cards
Rx Packets
Number of packets received since the last counter reset.
Rx Bytes
Number of bytes received since the last counter reset.
Tx Packets
Number of packets transmitted since the last counter reset.
Tx Bytes
Number of bytes transmitted since the last counter reset.
Rx Total Errors
Total number of receive errors.
Number of packets with an FCS error.
Rx Runts
Total number of frames received that are less than 64 bytes in length and
have a CRC error.
Rx Jabbers
Total number of frames received that exceed the maximum 1548 bytes and
contain CRC errors.
Rx Pause Frames
Number of received pause frames.
Rx Control Frames
A count of MAC control frames passed by the MAC sublayer to the MAC
control sublayer.
Rx Unknown Opcode
A count of MAC control frames received that contain an opcode that is not
supported by the device.
Table 15-46 Near-End or Far-End Multiplex Section PM Parameters for TXP_MR_10G Cards (continued)