Interlogix Concord 4 User Manual User Manual
Page 19

Concord 4 User Manual
has a sensor installed on it, the system must be told to ignore (bypass) the
sensor when it’s open. All other sensors remain active.
Smoke/heat sensor cannot be bypassed.
There are two methods for bypassing a sensor:
• Direct bypassing. Use this method if the system is armed and you would like
to open a window without disarming. After arming the system, bypass
door/window sensors before you open them. You must know the sensor
number of the door or window you wish to bypass (see “System sensors” on
page 70). Your installer can include the zone number as part of the sensor
When a sensor is bypassed, you are allowing that door or window to be
unprotected. You cannot bypass sensors directly using a keychain touchpad.
• Indirect bypassing. Use this method if you are arming the system and would
like to bypass doors and windows already open.
To bypass sensors directly:
1. Close all doors and windows.
2. Arm your system to the desired level (the sensor must be active before you
can bypass it).
3. At any touchpad, press #, code.
The touchpad displays BYPASS SENSOR ____ or ENTER SNSR ____.
4. Enter the desired sensor number.
The touchpad displays BYPASSED ZONES nn, or SENSOR nn BYPASSED.
If the touchpads displays INVALID or FAILURE, or if the touchpad sounds
one long beep, make sure that you entered a valid sensor number.
Smoke/heat sensors cannot be bypassed.
5. Repeat the process to bypass other sensors if desired.
The bypassed doors or windows can now be opened.
To arm (unbypass) bypassed sensors, repeat the bypass procedure substituting
the bypassed sensor number, or close bypassed doors and windows and arm
your system again.
To bypass sensors directly using a keychain touchpad:
• If the keychain touchpad Arm is off, press Lock to arm to Level 2, press Lock
again to bypass sensors, and press Lock again to arm to Level 3.
• If the keychain touchpad Arm is on, press Lock to arm to Away with no delay,
and press Lock again to bypass sensors.