Heli-Max HMXE01 User Manual

Page 5

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The side-to-side movement of the left stick controls the tail
rotor. This determines the rotation direction of the helicopter.
Moving the stick left makes the nose of the helicopter rotate
to the left. Moving the stick right makes the nose of the
helicopter rotate to the right.

The side-to-side movement of the right stick controls the roll
cyclic of the helicopter. This tilts the helicopter to the left or
right. Moving the stick left tilts the helicopter to the left.
Moving the stick right tilts the helicopter to the right.

The forward and back movement of the right stick controls the
pitch cyclic of the helicopter. This tilts the helicopter forward or
backwards. Moving the stick forward tilts the helicopter forward.
Moving the stick back tilts the helicopter backward.

1. Make sure no one is operating any type of R/C

equipment on the same frequency as your RotoFly
helicopter. The frequency is identified on the back of your
transmitter. When you know it’s safe, switch the radio
transmitter on and fully extend the antenna.

2. Confirm that the left stick is all the way down to make

sure the rotor blades do not rotate when the RotoFly‘s
power is turned on. Plug the battery pack into the electronic
speed control located on the helicopter.

3. Once the plugs are connected, wait ten seconds for the

control board and gyro to initialize. DO NOT move the
helicopter during this process. During this time, a green light
will blink on the control board. When the green light stops
blinking and glows solid, your RotoFly is ready for flight.
Note: If the light does not stop blinking, check that the
throttle stick and the throttle trim are both down.

4. When you are ready to turn off the RotoFly, ALWAYS

unplug the helicopter battery before turning off the transmitter.