15 anti-lag switch – Haltech E6K User Manual

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16.15 Anti-Lag Switch

The Anti-Lag switch function allows turbo-charged vehicles to decrease the “lag” associated
with boost when the motor is not under full load.
There are 5 adjustable parameters:

Retard Value

The ignition timing is retarded by this angle when the Anti-Lag conditions for
operation are met. The valid range for the Retard value is (-70° to 70



% Inc. Fuel

The percentage of fuel increased during Anti-Lag operation. The valid range for this
function is (1 to 50)%.


If the Anti-Lag function is to be used when the Throttle Position Sensor value is zero
then turn this function ON. Otherwise select OFF.

Zero Inj Time

If the zero TPS only function is ON then this value determines the amount of fuel
injected at zero or no throttle. The valid range is (1-16) ms.

Throttle Perc

The throttle position value below which Anti-Lag is operational. The valid range is (5-


This field specifies the RPM above which Anti-Lag is operational.

On Coolant Temp

This field defines the coolant temperature above which Anti-Lag is operational

The anti-lag system is can be enabled by a switch connected to the Auxiliary Input or by
meeting all three operating conditions stated above (the last 3 fields). Once the switch is
enabled, if the Throttle condition is met, the anti-lag system will be activated. In some
systems the switch is activated by the clutch. The last two fields allow the ALS to be
activated when all three conditions are met regardless of the AUX In setting, this allows the
AUX In to be used for another purpose. If the AUX In is set to Anti-Lag, it can override the
last two field conditions and enable the system based on throttle position alone. (See 13.1 The
Input/Output Page)