GTCO CR 1212 - Users Guide User Manual
Page 25

CR 1212 25
37 lpi x 12 inches = 444 … is the desired axis resolution
The other device may have a resolution expressed as the overall axis values,
such as 800 by 1024 pixels.
In this case, ensure the length of the corresponding tablet axis divides evenly into the other
device’s resolution. If it does not, the tablet truncates the resolution value to a whole
Example: Matching the CR 1212 to a vertical (portrait) screen with a resolution of 800 (X) by
1024 (Y) pixels:
Other Device’s Resolution / Tablet Axis Length
800 pixels / 12 inches = 66.66 … X axis
1024 pixels / 12 inches = 85.33 … Y axis
The tablet would truncate these values to 66 and 85. Therefore, round them high to 67 and
86. (This ensures that the entire screen is addressable from the tablet.) Multiply the
rounded values by the tablet axis length to derive the desired resolution for the overall