GTCO Summagrid IV - Users Guide Part 2 User Manual

Page 11

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Summagrid IV 11

1.11.3 Command Syntax

1.12 Transmission Control: Stop and Start

1.12.1 Description

The Stop Transmission and Start Transmission commands act as gates, allowing
reports to be sent from the Summagrid IV to the host. These commands control
data flow, regardless of the report mode. (Stop Transmission and Start
Transmission are the equivalents of the transmission protocols XOFF and XON.)

1.12.2 Command Syntax

Stop Transmission (XOFF)

Start Transmission (XON)



1.13 Transmission Control: Stop and Start

1.13.1 Description

Summagrid IV has a sound annunciator which emits tones. These commands allow
the user to modify the Summagrid III’s sound annunciator to meet the requirements
of the specific applications.

1.13.2 When to Use

Use these commands to meet specific application needs or to change the tone of
the annunciator to match personal preferences.