Great Planes Piper J-3 Cub 60 Kit - GPMA0162 User Manual
Page 9

D 1 Unroll the plan sheets Reroll the plan inside out to
make them lie flat
Before beginning construction of each individual tail
surface tape waxed paper over the drawing when it is
time to build that piece Begin with the rudder
D 1 Place the die-cut 5/16" balsa rudder parts R2, R3,
R4 and R5 over the plan in their locations Check each
joint for a good fit and make adjustments if necessary Pin
the parts to the building board but do not use glue at
this time.
D 2 Locate the die-cut 1/16" plywood sheet W01 and the
die-cut 1/8" plywood sheet W02 Draw centerlines on the
dihedral braces, wing joiners and wing bolt plate by
connecting the punch marks.
D 3 Remove all parts from the box As you do, determine
the name of each part by comparing it with the plan and
the parts list included with this kit Using a ball point pen,
lightly write the part name or size on each piece to avoid
confusion later Use the die-cut patterns shown on pages 7
and 8 to identify the die-cut parts and mark them before
removing them from the sheet Save all scraps If any of
the die-cut parts are difficult to punch out do not force
them' Instead, cut around the parts with a hobby knife
After punching out the die-cut parts, use your T-Bar sander
or sanding block to lightly sand the edges to remove any
die-cutting irregularities
NOTE: The purpose for checking each joint for a good fit is
to be sure the finished shape of the assembly matches
that of the drawing on the plan Every joint may not be an
exact fit due to the technical nature of die-cutting such thick
wood (5/16") If you're a very discriminating builder, you are
likely to spend a few extra moments perfecting the fit of
each and every joint before reaching for the CA Simply
filling in the small gap where noticeable with thick CA is an
alternate method to custom fitting each part and will yield a
secure, strong glue joint
D 2 Select the straightest piece of 5/16" x 7/8" x 24" balsa
stick Set this piece aside for use later on the stabilizer
trailing edge
D 3 Cut the rudder leading edge from another 5/16" x
7/8" x 24" balsa stick Check for a good fit, then pin the LE
to the building board over its location Cut the horizontal
frame section from the remaining piece of balsa and pin
into position
D 4 As you identify and mark the parts, separate them
into groups, such as fuse (fuselage), wing, fin, stab
(stabilizer) and hardware.
Zipper-top food storage bags are handy to store your
parts as you sort, identify and separate them into
D 4 Remove the parts from the plan, then one at a time,
pin each piece back into position using thick CA to
securely glue the parts together Wipe away excess glue
with a paper towel before it cures - sanding will be
easier later