Great Planes Piper J-3 Cub 60 Kit - GPMA0162 User Manual

Page 23

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D 10. Add the four remaining 1/8" balsa vertical grain
shear webs - one centered on each side of the joiner
between ribs R2 and R3.

D 11. Use thick CA to glue both die-cut 1/8" balsa R1B
sub ribs
in position and glue the previously installed R1A
sub ribs if you have not already done so.

D 4. Sheet the bottom of the wing first. Begin with the rear
sheet, then add the middle section, then the front.

D 12. Install both wing dowels and glue them in place with
30-minute epoxy. The dowels will be easier to insert if you
chamfer the ends slightly.

D 13. Use thick CA to glue the die-cut 1/16" plywood
trailing edge joiner in place between the R1B sub ribs.

D 5. After sheeting the bottom of the wing, add a 3/8" wide
strip of 3/32" balsa over the forward spars and plywood
leading edge joiner.

D 1. Cut the remaining two 3/32" x 2" x 42" top trailing
edge wing sheets
to exact size. The sheet is supplied
slightly wide so it may be trued.

D 6. Laminate a piece of cross-grain scrap balsa to the

inside of the sheet so it doesn't split. Cut a 1/2" hole in the

bottom sheeting to pass the aileron servo wire extensions
through. No particular location is required. We cut the hole
next to a rib to maintain a little rigidity in the sheeting.

D 2. Remember the section of sheet you removed (and

saved) while preparing the bottom TE sheet? Locate this
piece and use it as a template to remove the same size
section from the top sheet. Glue the top trailing edge
sheets to the wing with medium CA.

D 3. Locate the three 3/32" x 2-3/4" x 30" balsa center
section wing sheets.
Cut each piece into two, making six
pieces 15" long. It will be helpful to mark the centerline of

the sheets to aid in alignment on the wing.

D 7. Sheet the top center section. Add the rear sheet first,
then the center, then the front. The seam between the front
and center section sheeting should be over the main spar.
Add a 3/8" wide strip of 3/32" sheet over the forward spars
and plywood leading edge joiner.

D 8. After the top and bottom sheeting is installed, use a
sanding block to true-up the edges of the sheeting. Each
section of sheet should end about 1/4" past the ribs.