Great Planes Piper J-3 Cub 60 Kit - GPMA0162 User Manual
Page 46

D 5 With the wing attached to the fuselage, all parts of the
model installed (ready to fly), and an empty fuel tank,
block up the tail as necessary to level the stab.
D 6. Lift the model at the CG marks If the tail drops when
you lift, the model is "tail heavy" and you must add weight
to the nose or shift the servo tray forward to balance If the
nose drops, it is " n o s e heavy" and you must add weight to
the tail or shift the servo tray aft to balance Simply shifting
the servo tray may not be enough to adjust the C G , so
some added weight may still be required NOTE: Nose
weight may be added by gluing strips of lead onto the
firewall under the engine or by using a Heavy Hub
propeller nut Tail weight may be added by using "stick-on'
lead weights, and later if the balance proves to be OK you
can open the fuse bottom and glue these in permanently
D 7. After the model has been balanced, permanently glue
in the servo tray.
D 4 Connect all servos switch, cords and the battery
according to the manufacturer's instructions Turn on the
radio system and center the servos
D 5 Insert the pushrods into the tubes in the fuse Fasten
a metal 4-40 clevis and large control horn to the elevator
and rudder pushrods Hold a horn in position on either the
elevator or rudder (see sketch above for correct
alignment) The pushrod should not be bent and should
slide easily in the tube.
D 6 Mark the location for the horn screws on the control
surface Drill the 3/32" horn screw holes through the
control surface, then prick a few pin holes into the wood
under the horn's location Apply a drop or two of thin CA to
the pin holes to strengthen the wood.
D 1 The battery pack may be installed nearly anywhere in
the cabin area that allows for correct balance The
recommended battery location is underneath the fuel tank
just ahead of former F2 Wrap the battery in foam rubber
then enclose it in a plastic bag.
D 7 When cured, screw the horn in place with two 2-56
machine screws and the backing plate Repeat for the
other control surface NOTE: If you wish to shorten the
screws for better appearance, use a Dremel Moto Tool and
a cut-off wheel to cut the screws Remove the screws
from the airplane before cutting.
D 2 Install the receiver wrapped with foam in the receiver
compartment between former F2 and the landing gear
former with foam rubber Route the receiver antenna
through the antenna tube
D 3 Mount the switch in a location that will not be
exposed to engine exhaust Our Cub 60 utilizes the Great
Planes Switch & Charge Jack Mounting Set (GPMM1000)
which we positioned on the left side of the fuselage through
the bottom sheeting Allow enough clearance between the
switch and the fuselage side.
D 8 Install the servo wheels or arms on the servos We use
the Futaba four arm servo arms with three of the arms cut off.
D 9 With the servos centered and the pushrods connected
to the elevator and rudder, determine the length of the
pushrods This depends on the method for fastening the
pushrods to the servos Included with the Cub 60 are two
solder clevises which are what we used on our prototype.
Silver solder (GPMR8070) is highly recommended