Great Planes Piper J-3 Cub 60 Kit - GPMA0162 User Manual

Page 17

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D D 3. Install only the tip brace and glue it to the spars
Hint: apply thick CA to the spars first, then slide the tip
brace into place.
Install rib R9 but don't glue it yet.

NOTE: At this point the wing should still be pinned to the

work surface Of course, we cannot add shear webs if the
crossed T-pins are in position, so just take out the T-pins as
you go Replace the T-pins through the shear webs in
order to keep the wing flat on your building board - or, use

weights on top of the wing instead of the T-pins to hold the
wing flat as you glue the shear webs in position. You only

need to replace T pins at every other rib bay

D D 2 Install three shear webs in front of the spars
between ribs R3-R4, R4-R4 and R4-R5 If building the
clipped wing version, only two front shear webs are
required between ribs R3-R4 and R4-R5.

D D 4 Install the tip and glue it at the leading edge first,

then glue it to the rib R8 Let the tip take its natural

position - slightly slanting upward towards the leading
edge. Glue tip rib R9 to complete the wing tip assembly.

Proceed with wing panel construction

D D 1 Glue eight (seven for the clipped wing) 1/8" x
3-1/2" x 1-3/4" pre cut balsa vertical grain aft shear webs

to the rear of the basswood spars, starting between ribs R3

& R4 and ending between the last R7 ribs No shear webs
are installed between R2 & R3 and the last R7 & R8 ribs at

this time. The shear webs are provided slightly "not tall
enough" so they may be positioned without protruding
above or below the top and bottom spars It's not
necessary to glue the shear webs to the ribs - but it is
important to glue the shear webs securely to the spars

D D 3 Locate the 3/16" x 1/4" x 40" basswood top
forward spar
Before gluing it into position, cut off two

1" pieces to be used later Glue the spar in the forward rib

notches The "overhang is at the root end past rib R2, and

the tip of the spar should be flush with rib R8.

D D 4 Cut eight 3/8" x 5/8" x 1-3/4" hinge blocks from
the 3/8" x 5/8" x 15" balsa stick Position four hinge blocks
against the outboard trailing edge on the bottom trailing
edge sheeting Glue the blocks with thick CA. Refer to the
other wing plan for the exact position of the hinge blocks.
Save the remaining four hinge blocks for the other

wing panel

D D 5 Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa wing gusset centered
vertically on the rib at the corner of rib R5 and the notched
inboard trailing edge.