Great Planes Piper J-3 Cub 60 Kit - GPMA0162 User Manual

Page 20

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D D 7. Position the leading edge sheeting against the
leading edge. Using thin CA, glue the front edge of the
sheet to the leading edge. Do not glue the sheet to the
leading edge past the last rib R8.

D D 8. Slightly wet the entire sheet to bend it to the spar.

D D 9. Apply a generous bead of thick CA to the forward
spar. Working quickly, bend the sheeting to the spar,

holding it down with something flat like a T-bar sander or
flat block of wood until the glue cures. Remove the wing

from the building board.

D D 10. Wet the sheet one more time in the tip
area - the water may have evaporated from the balsa. Test

bend the sheet to the tip. Make last minute adjustments if
necessary. Apply thick CA where the sheet will contact the
outer tip, but don't add CA to the last tip rib R9 at this

time. Bend the sheeting to the outer tip rib and firmly hold

it in position until the CA cures.

D D 11. Because the sheet tends to bow upwards
between tip rib R8 and the outer tip, it may not be

contacting the tip rib R9. Don't necessarily glue the sheet

all the way down to the last tip rib R9. Instead, pull the
sheet to a position on the rib that will help distribute the
bowing upward effect of the sheet. Add a fillet of thick CA

to rib R9 while holding the sheet in the position desired.

We'll perfect the top sheeting of the wing tip later.

D D 12. Fill the small seam between the leading edge
and the front of the sheet between ribs R8 and R9 with a
scrap piece of balsa.

D D 13. Glue the ribs to the sheet with thin CA. Inspect all
glue joints and add CA where necessary.

D D 14. Remove the extra sheeting from the end of the
wing tip.

D D 15. Install the 3/32" x 2-3/4" x 42" bottom leading edge
sheet almost the same way you installed the top - this time
apply thick CA to the ribs before you add the sheet.