Carrier AQUAZONE 50RLP User Manual
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The Aquazone™ System Control Panel is a single packaged
system control panel for use with Aquazone water source heat
pumps (WSHPs) in stand-alone or direct digital control
applications using the Carrier Comfort Network (CCN). The
Aquazone system control panel controls and monitors the
operation of the water source heat pumps, the ancillary heat
rejection, the heat addition, and the system pumps to coordi-
nate entire system operation. The Aquazone System Control
Panel is used with the following units: 50HQL, KQA, KQD,
The Aquazone system control panel includes a pre-
programmed 6400 main logic comfort controller as the central
processing unit. The Aquazone system control panel is compat-
ible for use in boiler/tower (water loop) or geothermal (ground
loop, ground water) water source heat pump arrangements.
Other system hardware components are specified in the
50RLP model nomenclature. Components can be added to cus-
tomize the Aquazone System Control Panel for the specific
type of functionality desired, including staged heat rejection
and addition, dual or variable speed pump operation, and stand-
alone or CCN installations. See Fig. 1.
Aquazone System Control Panel Functional-
ity —
Functionality includes the ability to control up to two
water-circulating pumps and monitor water temperature to
initiate up to eight stages of cooling tower and/or boiler opera-
tion. The system control panel has the capability to work with
variable speed pumping arrangements for maximum energy
efficiency. In addition, the panel provides system control for
both stand-alone and DDC water source heat pump systems
(units installed with a factory-mounted PremierLink™ CCN
Stand-Alone Systems —
In a stand-alone type of con-
trol strategy, non-communicating Aquazone water source heat
pump thermostats are utilized to initiate the operation of
individual water source heat pump equipment for each zone.
The Aquazone System Control Panel can be ordered with the
appropriate hardware to accommodate and initiate scheduled
control of either 10 or 18 zones of WSHP units in stand-alone
operation. See Fig. 2.
CCN Systems Using PremierLink Controls —
implement a direct digital control type of water source heat
pump system strategy, individual WSHP units are ordered with
a factory-installed PremierLink controller. The Aquazone sys-
tem control panel has been pre-programmed to work specifi-
cally with the PremierLink controller to transfer and control all
modes of cooling/heating operation, transmit unit number,
zone temperature, zone temperature set points, discharge air
temperature, fan status, stages of heating, stages of cooling,
leaving water temperature, and alarm status information. See
Fig. 3.
Aquazone System Control Panel Hardware —
The 50RLP Aquazone System Control Panel package consists
of the following hardware. See Fig. 4.
ENCLOSURE — The Aquazone system control panel enclo-
sure is constructed of perforated 16-gage steel and finished in a
gray powder-coated finish. The panel has a height of 42 in., a
width of 30 in. and a depth of 7 inches.
PROCESSOR — The central processing units for the Aqua-
zone system control panel are Carrier 6400 Comfort Control-
lers. The Comfort Controller provides general purpose HVAC
control and monitoring capability in a stand-alone or network
environment using closed-loop, direct digital control. The 6400
Comfort Controller has been pre-programmed to work in either
stand-alone or CCN water source heat pump system installa-
tions. Specifications for the 6400 Comfort Controller may be
found in the Comfort Controller literature.
PUMP CONTROL RELAYS — For both stand-alone and
CCN systems (based on the type of pumping operation
required) the Aquazone system control panel can be ordered
with a combination of multi-voltage control relays to provide
start/stop or lead/lag operation for single or dual pumps. The
combination desired is specified in the 50RLP model nomen-
clature in digit 8. See Fig. 1.
50RLP 0 0 0 0
50RLP – Aquazone System Control Panel
System Heat Rejection
0 – 2-Stage Card (2 Stages of Cooling Tower Operation)
1 – 4-Stage Card (4 Stages of Cooling Tower Operation)
2 – 2- and 4-Stage Cards (6 Stages of Cooling Tower Operation)
3 – Two 4-Stage Cards (8 Stages of Cooling Tower Operation)
4 – No Card, Variable Speed Cooling Tower Operation
WSHP Zone Operation
0 – 10 Relays, Control 10 Zones for Stand-Alone WSHP Units*
1 – 18 Relays, Control 18 Zones for Stand-Alone WSHP Units*
2 – No Relays, Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) System†
System Pumping Operation
0 – Both Relays, Start/Stop or Lead/Lag Operation for Single or
Dual Pumps
1 – No Relays, Variable Frequency Pump Operation**
System Heat Addition
0 – 2-Stage Card (2 Stages of Boiler Operation)
1 – 4-Stage Card (4 Stages of Boiler Operation)
2 – 2 and 4-Stage Cards (6 Stages of Boiler Operation)
3 – Two 4-Stage Cards (8 Stages of Boiler Operation)
4 – No Card, Modulating Valve Operation for Steam or
Hot Water
*Option is utilized with Aquazone Thermostat for each WSHP unit.
†Option is utilized with PremierLink DDC control option on individual WSHP units.
**Accepts signals from a variable frequency device.
Fig. 1 — Model Number Nomenclature