FloAire Modular Packaged Unit User Manual
Page 16
Space Cool SP – Stage 1 space cooling set point.
Space Cool SP #2 – Stage 2 space cooling set point.
Space Cool SP #3 – Stage 3 space cooling set point.
Space Heat SP – Stage 1 space heating set point.
Space Heat SP #2 – Stage 2 space heating set point.
Space Heat SP #3 – Stage 3 space heating set point.
Outdoor Cool SP – Stage 1 outdoor cooling set point.
Outdoor Cool SP #2 – Stage 2 outdoor cooling set point.
Outdoor Cool SP #3 – Stage 3 outdoor cooling set point.
Outdoor Heat SP – Stage 1 outdoor heating set point.
Outdoor Heat SP #2 – Stage 2 outdoor heating set point.
Outdoor Heat SP #3 – Stage 3 outdoor heating set point.
(All tempering set points may not be available depending on the selected # of
stages and staging/activation selections)
Min. Outdoor Air Temp – This value is in place to ensure that a unit is not trying to cool
when the ambient outside temperature is too low. This will help prevent coils from
freezing. It is factory set at 60° F and adjustable between 55-65° F.
O/B Output Mode – This option allows you to choose whether the output energizes during
cooling or heating. This output is driven by what company heat pump is being utilized.
Carrier’s standard is to energize with cooling.
Mode Change Time – This time dictates how long the unit must wait before switching
from heating to cooling or vice versa. Factory set at 5 minutes. Adjustable between 1-10
Heat Hysteresis – Factory set a 1° F, adjustable between 1-5° F.
Cool Hysteresis – Factory set a 1° F, adjustable between 1-5° F.
Min. Heat On Time – Time any heating stage must stay on after being activated. Factory
set at 2 minutes. Adjustable between 1-5 minutes.
Min. Cool On Time – Time any cooling stage must stay on after being activated. Factory
set at 2 minutes. Adjustable between 1-5 minutes.
Min. Heat Off Time – Time any heating stage must stay off after being de-activated.
Factory set at 2 minutes. Adjustable between 1-5 minutes.
Min. Cool Off Time – Time any cooling stage must stay off after being de-activated.
Factory set at 2 minutes. Adjustable between 1-5 minutes.
Mixing Box Type – Selectable between none, external, and adjustable. Choosing
external or adjustable both enables the use of return and mixed air sensors. When
adjustable is chosen it also enables the 0-10V damper position output on the board.
Damper Position – This is a user selectable 0-100 percent, and once set, the board will
try to maintain that percentage of outdoor air by altering its output voltage to the damper.
MB Deadband – This relates to the absolute value of the delta T between outdoor air and
return air. If the delta T falls within the deadband range, the board will not alter its output
voltage to the damper. The voltage will be a constant 0-10V directly related to the 0-100
damper position. Factory set at 5° F and adjustable between 1-10° F.
Return As Space – This option is enabled when a mixing box is selected. If an adequate
space sensor can’t be mounted within the space, the board has the ability to treat the
return air sensor as the space sensor.
Startup Time – Delay upon powering up until the board allows any pins to be active.
Factory set at 5 seconds.
Reboot – Reboots the board.
Factory Reset – Resets the board to the last commissioned settings.
View Faults – This menu will store faults even once the board has lost power. Possible
faults include airflow, alarm 1 (float switch), heating discharge, and cooling discharge.
Heating and cooling discharge faults occur when there has been no
T for 30 minutes.