V2.0.3 19th march 2009, V2.0.2 3rd march 2009, V2.0.1 11th january 2009 – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual
Page 68: V2.0.0 23rd october 2008, V1.8.2 (unreleased)

v2.0.3 19th March 2009
(AU version only updated) Further improved the behaviour of parameter automa-
tion in Logic - specifically:
the pitch buttons now cause automation to be recorded.
the four delay time parameters (delay slider min/max, max delay and delay
time) now use 'high resolution' mode automation.
v2.0.2 3rd March 2009
(AU version only updated) Fixed recording of parameter automation in Logic.
v2.0.1 11th January 2009
The default MIDI/OSC script (midi.lua) can now be completely overridden.
Added ‘Ignore AudioUnitReset’ preference.
v2.0.0 23rd October 2008
Augustus Loop’s GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.
MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
VST version now receives MIDI.
Added Record Offset feature.
Added waveform display.
The ‘Max Delay Time’ parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds)
and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop
The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previ-
ously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out fea-
tures more usable.
A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, “Freeze Current”.
Added OSC support.
Added ‘Sync Group’ feature.
Added new ‘Tape Sim’ section.
Added factory presets.
Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
v1.8.2 (unreleased)
Fixed parameter automation in VST versions (host would not record automation
when adjusting controls in Augustus Loop GUI).