Midi & osc scripting, Waveform display, Record offset – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual
Page 17: Tape read mode

of the interface. With Augustus Loop you can move user interface elements around, re-
move things you don’t use, add new buttons to drive your own new functionality. A gen-
eral purpose scripting language lies behind all this, so your new buttons aren’t just limited
to setting plug-in parameters - you can build complex systems limited only by your
imagination (and programming skill!).
See the
section below for details.
Augustus Loop can now be remotely controlled via the Open Sound Control protocol.
See the
section below for details.
MIDI & OSC Scripting
Augustus Loop’s response to MIDI and OSC control can now be completely redefined by
scripts written by users. This goes far beyond simply redefining which MIDI CC controls
which parameter - you can build elaborate, state-based control systems, driving many cop-
ies of Augustus Loop from a single control source.
See the
section below for details.
Waveform Display
A new element has been added to the GUI that enables you to visualise the audio that’s
recorded onto Augustus Loop’s virtual tape. Apart from looking swish, this is a useful tool
that helps you understand exactly what the plug-in is doing at any particular time, espe-
cially when some of the more complex functions are enabled.
Record Offset
This new feature makes it easy to sync your looping to other performers, even when your
computer-based setup is introducing a lot of latency into your audio stream.
Tape Read Mode
Although Augustus Loop remains a fundamentally stereo device, the new Tape Read
Mode setting lets you simulate a mono tape echo from days of old.