Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual
Page 13

Ability to sync multiple instances of the plug-in running at once.
Automatic fades up and down to allow smooth transitions in your playing. It can
even automatically clear the loop for you once it’s faded out.
Host transport-sync’d punch in and out when recording.
‘Inertia free’ mode suppresses the tape-like behaviour when changing delay times to
allow seamless transitions between loop lengths. (This is also the route to the popular
‘multiply’ and ‘divide’ features found on some popular looping devices.)
The ‘Fx Loop’ plug-in configuration allows you to route audio through other plug-ins
either side of the ‘virtual tape’, allowing you to insert your own effects in the delay
loop. So you can just substitute your own filtering/saturation for Augustus Loop’s
own, or get really creative by inserting any plug-in you like in the delay.
‘Record Offset’ feature to solve the problem of latency in digital audio systems.
Fully scriptable and skinnable GUI.
Fully scriptable control via MIDI and OSC.
Scripts can control other instances of the plug-in, allowing you to build complex
multi-plug-in setups controlled from a single source (e.g. a MIDI pedalboard).