Getall s:returnurl s:returnpath, Getnumparameters s:returnurl s:returnpath, Getinfo i:param s:returnurl s:returnpath – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual

Page 56: Registerupdate i:param s:returnurl s:returnpath, Unregisterupdate i:param s:returnurl s:returnpath, Getallregistered, Exec s:func

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replies to with (assuming parameter 14 has the value 64.0)

/foo 14 64.0

/getAll s:returnUrl s:returnPath

Behaves exactly as if a /get message was received for every parameter.

/getNumParameters s:returnUrl s:returnPath

Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters


where ‘numParameters’ is the total number of parameters defined by the plug-in. E.g.

/getNumParameters osc.udp:// “/foo”

replies to with (assuming the plug-in has 84 parameters)

/foo 84

/getInfo i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath

Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters

i:param f:minValue f:maxValue f:defaultValue s:name i:unit

where ‘minValue’ and ‘maxValue’ are the minimum and maximum values that parameter
‘param’ can take, ‘defaultValue’ is the default value of the parameter, ‘name’ is the name of
the parameter, and ‘unit’ is a value that indicates the unit of the parameter (e.g. Hz, db,
seconds). The unit is one of the values defined by Apple’s Audio Unit specification.

/registerUpdate i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath

Requests that when the parameter ‘param’ changes, a message is sent back to the re-
turnUrl and returnPath with the parameters

i:param f:value

where the returned parameters have the same meaning as for the /get command (above).

/unregisterUpdate i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath

Cancels a request made via /registerUpdate (above).


Behaves exactly as if every parameter registered for updates with /registerUpdate had
changed. A message will be sent for every such parameter.

/exec s:func ...

Executes the Lua function ‘func’, which is assumed to be defined by the MIDI & OSC
scripting system (see


). OSC parameters following ‘func’ are passed through to the