Functions callable from createui(), Setbannerposition( y [, showversion ] ), Texture( filename ) – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual

Page 44: Setbackgroundtexture( texture ), Setbackgroundcolour( r, g, b ), Sliderrenderer( texture )

background image

Functions callable from createUI()

The following functions are defined by the skin system, and may be called from your
createUI() function.

setBannerPosition( y [, showVersion ] )

Sets the vertical position of the banner, which is where the plug-in displays its version in-
formation, and the name and value of the parameter currently being edited. An optional
second parameter lets you disable the version information and only show the parameter
information, which is useful for small skins. Examples:

setBannerPosition( 471.0 )
setBannerPosition( 80.0, false )

setGroupActiveColour( r, g, b, a ), setGroupInactiveColour( r, g, b, a )

These two functions set the colours used to draw the boxes that surround groups of con-
trols. ‘Active’ refers to when the mouse is within the group. E.g.:

setGroupActiveColour( 0.95, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 )
setGroupInactiveColour( 0.8, 0.4, 0.01, 1.0 )

texture( filename )

Loads the named image file and creates a texture object from it. E.g.

background = texture( "bgtile.png" )

setBackgroundTexture( texture )

Sets the background texture for the GUI window. The texture parameter should have pre-
viously been created with the


function. E.g.

setBackgroundTexture( background )

setBackgroundColour( r, g, b )

Sets the background colour for the GUI window, used if no background texture is set. E.g.

setBackgroundColour( 0.2, 0.2, 0.3 )

sliderRenderer( texture )

Creates a renderer for the sliders in the GUI. A renderer is a object that manages the draw-
ing of all its associated objects. The texture parameter should have previously been created
with the


function, and defines the image to be used to draw the sliders that use

this renderer. (Note that this texture may be shared by multiple renderers.)